Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Assorted Icons

I opened up Photoshop today in the mood to draw & had no idea what. Here's a tiny selection of odd icons for your RMVX game. To be honest, I'm not even sure what they are or what they're for yet. One or two might not even make it into LHAs. :)

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Click the link or title to view the rest.

I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests? Most of what I've made won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Dev Advice

Try to plan out areas before you make them. It's always easier to create quality maps with an idea of what you're trying to make instead of staring at the window. That's what happened with today's resources for example.

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