Friday, October 31, 2008

Wall pillars

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Today's new tile resources is decorations for your walls. These are to be used in one or two dungeons, to separate areas of the wall from each other. Note: This is three tiles high! The bottom one only has a small amount of space taken and is intended to be passable.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests? Most of what I've made won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Play Something

AĆ«rendyll has created an interesting pirate-themed game called "Walking the Plank". You can try it's early demo and find out more information on his message board post at one of the RMVX fansites.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dungeon staircases

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Some new tiles for you today. These can replace the default steps by turning them into wall/door type stairwells. I've used them quite liberally in LHA and made several edits to suit most tilesets.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests? Most of what I've made won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Dev Advice

Try to implement some more unique spellsets. Damage spells that only vary between the elements and the animation aren't very interesting. You can also add some that affect the dungeon/map areas themselves instead of all combat based.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New entrances

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Why settle for the regular cracks, doors & the mine entrance for all of your areas? Today's resource is some new versions of them. Tomorrow will have different sets of dungeon staircases as well.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests? Most of what I've made won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Helpful Link

Leventhan runs a constantly-updated blog with all kinds of RM tutorials. Check it out!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Inside of a tree

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Today's resource is another I made for LHA. Some of the dungeons in a forest take place within the trees themselves. Enjoy!

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests? Most of what I've made won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Dev Advice

You don't need to stick to standard RPG conventions. Why have the usual volcano, forest, ice cave, dark castle style dungeons when you can put them into places like giant seashells?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Red Daze

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Another dungeon tileset for when you need something unique.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests? Most of what I've made won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Dev Advice

Your RMVX scripts will generally all be compatible with each other if the writer aliases everything and doesn't drastically change the way commands work.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Crystal Forest

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One area of LHA was surprisingly tough to design weeks ago. The goddess of magic gave up her seat to become a mortal, but what would happen to the spells that required her power?

I eventually decided to make some of the warped magic have the effect of crystallizing things it touches, another area is always under a constant barrage of elemental effects in opposition with each other.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests? Most of what I've made won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Dev Advice

Stuck thinking of names? Try looking for baby names or one of those generators! Most of the time you just get random garbage, but they could be useful or help inspire you to come up with your own.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Snowy Mountain

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This is an edited version of the default mountain tileset we have in Rpg Maker VX. It's for use in a snow covered area, and works well with some of the regular winter tiles we were provided.

The mountain works best if you have some sort of falling snow tiles to sprinkle along the wall on the second layer.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests? Most of what I've made won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Hey! You over there!

If you find these resources helpful, please tell your friends! The blog isn't getting many visitors right now & I'd rather spend my time drawing more stuff than promoting it. :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Secondary dungeon

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Today's new resource is yet another dungeon tileset for you folks. This one isn't suited for any particular theme... if you want something different, this could be it!

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I'm not even sure what it's supposed to be, but it does look quite nice. Try to think of a fun way to use it! May or may not find it's way into LHA, possibly just as a mini-dungeon. :)

Dev Advice

Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals used the same few selections of dungeon tiles in almost every area. Players still loved it, you won't need special art for everywhere if the game you're creating is good enough.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Blue Sunshine

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One last windowskin for now. This one is well-suited for several different types of games that the others I've posted aren't.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests? Most of what I've made won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Hype Machine

BlossomSoft's Elder Prince is still hard at work on Eternal Eden, a commercial RPG Maker VX project. It's shaping up nicely and the blog itself is great motivation for those of us working on our own games!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Red Visions

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Another windowskin today. This selection could work best in a darkness or volcano-themed area or game.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests? Most of what I've made won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Something Random

There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Foresty Infusion

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A windowskin that would work best in a forest-themed area or game.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests? Most of what I've made won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Dev Advice

You can use additional tiles as character set images. For this game I have a huge set of character files that are nothing more than tiles I've used once or twice. It's not worth putting everything on tile E because of the limited space.

Purple Mist

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A new windowskin, enjoy. Dark purple mist surrounded by a golden border. It looks a lot better in action than this description sounds.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests? Most of what I've made won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Dev Advice

Characters can have more individuality if you change the way they speak. Some may have different accents, ways of forming sentances, or even roll their R's. But don't take it overboard! Chrono Cross had difficult to read text depending on who you used in your party.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Assorted Icons

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I opened up Photoshop today in the mood to draw & had no idea what. Here's a tiny selection of odd icons for your RMVX game. To be honest, I'm not even sure what they are or what they're for yet. One or two might not even make it into LHAs. :)

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests? Most of what I've made won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Dev Advice

Try to plan out areas before you make them. It's always easier to create quality maps with an idea of what you're trying to make instead of staring at the window. That's what happened with today's resources for example.

Monday, October 20, 2008

New ice cave

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Tired of the usual RMVX ice dungeons? Need a cave for a snowy area? You're in luck. These frosty caverns will be seen in LHA, and if you click the link below, the game you're creating can have them too. No floor tiles yet unfortunately.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests? Most of what I've made won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Dev Advice

Recreating scenes from some of your favorite games is a great way to practice. Practically anything on the Super Nintendo is easily do-able in the Rpg Maker series of programs.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Monta's Side View Enemies

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Today's japanese resource spotlight is tons of side view battlers made by monta. These were originally for older games in the Rpg Maker series (Rpg Maker 2003 etc) but work wonderfully with a side view battle system. He has a unique style that may be difficult to match with other random resources you download.

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These are brought to us by japanese material creator Monta

Please read his terms for using his materials.

Dev Advice

Spend less time making a virtual world & live in the real one.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Counter Clockwise

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Today's japanese resource spotlight is many wonderful icons from the "Counter Clockwise" site. As always, icons can be used in both Rpg Maker VX & Rpg Maker XP. Some of these are quite useful as they cover areas & themes usually neglected by material artists.

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These are brought to us by japanese material site Counter Clockwise

My translator is acting up, but the creator might be called "Nawashiro".

Please read his terms for using his materials. I'm not going to link you directly to the icons, but they're easy enough to find. The site is in a blog format which you can browse by days or categories.

Dev Advice

It's a good idea to join several different development communities. You'll get more opinions on the questions you ask, and have more areas to promote your creations in without seeming like a spammer.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Run, the muckman is coming!

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A treat today after yesterday's weak update. Here's a fishman creature I designed based on some of what's common in the horror scene. I call him the muckman, they play a small role in LHA and will have a couple mini-dungeons dedicated to them.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests for cthulhu-esque stuff? Most of it won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Dev Advice

Take hints from older games in your genre. Generally people had a reason for designing things the way they did, and already wasted plenty of time thinking about other gameplay options you may be considering.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dark skin

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A simple update today, a new windowskin for your games. It's intended for creations that aren't all delightful, charming & cute.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests for cthulhu-esque stuff? Most of it won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Dev Advice

You should try to make your areas significantly different from each other in more ways than just graphics. People tend to remember these things & they can help make your game a better experience. Try out some new weather effects, room designs, perhaps mist animations on the screen every few seconds, a distinct art style for decorations that aren't in other areas...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dungeon objects

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Today's assorted update is some assorted dungeon additions. These are more variants you can use for switches, wall decorations, levers, and such that might fit a non-normal area. Most of them were also inspired by classic horror pieces to help decorate the areas, however none of them are particularily scary or spooky.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests for cthulhu-esque stuff? Most of it won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Dev Advice

Why settle for the usual potions when you can give your players items with different names? A simple switch like this can help make your game stand out & be unique. However, don't go overboard, people are used to the traditional RPG conventions and things being easy to understand at first glance.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Slimy dungeon

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What sort of dungeon would be filled with tentacles, muckmen, and assorted characters from similar mythos? That's what I was thinking when I made the tileset I'll be giving you today. It's a quick dungeon set you can toss into your RMVX Tile A and use as an autotile.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests for cthulhu-esque stuff? Most of it won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Helpful Link

Leon, a shareware developer using Rpg Maker XP, has compiled a wiki reference source for any aspiring indie game developers. It's still a work in progress, but you can check it out by clicking here.

Monday, October 13, 2008


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This is "inspired by HP Lovecraft & other weird horror stuff" week. Lots of tentacles! I went heavily in that direction while designing one of the LHA water dungeons. Today's offering is a tentacle character set.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests for cthulhu-esque stuff? Most of it won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Hype Machine

LHA isn't the only commercial game we're working on! Hopefully one or two others will be available at the same time it's released. Fingers crossed, no promises.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nakkuruman's charchips

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Today's japanese resource spotlight is many characters made by Nakkuruman. His were popular with Rpg Maker XP, but is moving into doing some with Rpg Maker VX as well.

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These are brought to us by japanese material creator Nakkuruman

Please read his terms for using his materials. I'm not going to link you directly to the Rpg Maker VX character resource collection, but it's easy enough to find with a translator. He also has plenty of popular Rpg Maker XP characters on his homepage. Some of them have specially created matching battlers over at Tori's site.

Help Wanted

I'm currently looking for a skilled, experienced musician or two to help with LHA. Paid work of course. Send me your samples via messages or even a comment here.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hot Toke

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Today I'll be giving you yet another japanese resource site link, with plenty of monsters to battle for your games. The ones available at Hot Toke are extremely similar to the default style used for Rpg Maker VX battlers.

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These are brought to us by japanese material creator Hot Toke

(My translator is messed up at this site. If you know another name we should be crediting instead, please let me know!)

Please read his terms for using his giant pile of materials. I'm not going to link you directly to the Rpg Maker VX battler resource collection, but it's easy enough to find with a translator.

Hype Machine

The Game Baker (game development community) website is going to be significantly upgraded in the coming days, with new looks & plenty of new content. Check it out soon!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Halloween icons

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A small selection of icons I created for LHA. These'll suit any Halloweeny type situation perfectly or could also be used as map tiles.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests for halloween or undead stuff? Most of it won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Did you know?

Youtube videos have tracking information available to you. Toss one up there and you can get information on the people who's viewed it. How they found it, what age/gender they are, where they're from... Can be very helpful when designing your game & not sure who your audience is!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ghouls & ghosts

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Two more characters from LHA to haunt your player's nightmares... in the most cutesy way possible!

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests for undead stuff? Most of it won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Did you know?

Spiderweb software is having an October Sadness sale. If you wanted to purchase any of their hardcore RPG computer games before, now you can save a bit of $ doing so. :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Halloween decorations

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Various tile or character chip stuff to set the mood. The perfect things to get your Rpg Maker VX creations ready for the upcoming holiday!

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests for undead stuff? Most of it won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Random Stuff

I highly recommend taking a half hour to watch Dr Horrible's SuperVillain Sing-A-Long Blog. A musical starring Neil Patrick Harris & that bozo captain from Firefly.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Spooky tombstones

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New gravesites, one yet to be filled, and a gothic-styled fence as well.

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests for undead stuff? Most of it won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Random Stuff

Here's a final boss battle you probably never expected to see! Youtube clip from a game released on Nintendo 64.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bodies start to sway

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Oh no, zombies! This is a week of undead as I put up the art for the Halloween Town area of LHA. More tilesets & characters to come. Click below for the fully animated version!

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I'll have some more variants and frankensprites of this in my game, but it's up to you to make your own. Any requests for undead stuff? Most of it won't be released to the public unless you ask. :)

Hype Machine

"Try again later" says the 8 ball. Not much happening this week!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Icon bonanza

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This weekend's resource highlight is a pile of well-done icons on the Whitecat site. The artist remade all of them that were in the RTP to suit his style, and created tons more for almost any purpose.

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These are brought to us by japanese material creator Whitecat / Moyasiwhite

Please read his terms before using the icon materials at the Whitecafe site. They're incredibly easy to find, you don't need a translator.

A .lzh extractor might be required to download & open them. I'm not sure if one is included in windows, but WinRar does the trick if you already have it.

Random Stuff

Need a story idea? Ask H.P. Lovecraft!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

No such thing as too many orcs

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More of the orc frankensprites again. Shopkeepers this time.

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Whoever said only humans can sell junk to players? I tried adding a little beard to the first one, but it didn't turn out too well. Hairstyles could work very nicely on orcs if you increase the height a bit.

Did you know?

You can use the shift key to selectively place autotiles in the Rpg Maker VX editor. This saves a lot of time or can be used for many effects, try it!

Friday, October 3, 2008

People need a place to go

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and things to guard it. Why settle for a regular guardsmen when you can have armored orcs? Comes in two varieties: Spear-wielding and spearless.

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Just a frankensprite of the originals, but I'll have real armored orcs later. They'll have a minor part in the story of LHA. I'd have prefered skipping orcs as they're very mainstream, but there's not enough pre-made art to ignore monster types.

Hype Machine

Aldorlea Games has released a shareware Rpg Maker XP game, Laxius Force. Check it out if you're interested!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Medusa thing

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Can't think of a better name for her! This lovely blue lass was just a quick edit of one of the RMVX Spiritual default charactersets.

Update: Now with a matching blue male companion.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

There will be blood

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but only if you're a breakable object! A few new tiles for you today, objects and a few broken variants. These'll help clutter up your dungeons & homes better than a stack of crates in every single room would.

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These were one of the very first sets of custom tiles I made for LHA. I'm a big fan of the "time to crate" method of reviewing games, and tried to use them only in the right situations instead of everywhere.

Hype Machine

Elder Prince of Blossomsoft is hard at work on his Rpg Maker VX shareware game, Eternal Eden. It looks very promising so far!